dimarts, d’octubre 09, 2007

HVORDAN VI SLIPPER AF MED DE ANDRE (Com desfer-se dels altres)

Copenhague, any 2007. La majoria de partits del parlament danès acaben d'aprobar una nova llei, els anomenats criteris de la Nova Copenhaguen segons la qual les persones antisocials, aquelles que s'aprofiten de forma indecent de l'estat de l'estat providència han de ser eliminades.

Sortida de la fàbrica artística de Lars Von Trier (Zentropa) Com desfer-se dels altres teoritza sobre una hipotètica deriva feixistoide (de fet va molt més enllà) de la societat democràtica danesa i per analogia de l'europea.

Dins del repartiment de cops a tort i a dret (església, exèrcit, per altra banda ja clàssics) la innovació és l'atac a una socialdemocràcia que, a la recerca de la perfecció de l'estat del benestar, està disposada a eliminar a aquells elements parasitaris (punkis, alcohòlics, artistes fracassats) que impedeixen el compliment de la societat ideal.
Assaig polític molt i molt recomanable

THE NEW COPENHAGEN CRITERIA: Si formeu part d'aquesta llista m'ho comuniqueu que actuaré en conseqüència

ad 1 : Citizens that have received, over a long period of time, welfare or other social support, with the exception of state pension.
ad 2: Citizens who have willingly bypassed Danish law for the purpose of personal gain, including social fraud, systematic moonlighting, tax evasion, etc.
ad 3 : Drug addicts and those who abuse recreational drugs, alcohol, etc.
ad 4 : People who place excessive strain on the hospital system, far above the average.
ad 5 : People who are incapable of caring for their own children.
ad 6 : People who are out of work for unusually long periods of time. Including pensioners who have been invalided prematurely.
ad 7 : People who have lived on the edge of the law for many years. Those who have often been in contact with the courts, swindlers, criminals, even though they haven't necessarily been convicted.


ad 1 : It isn't enough to live up to a single criterion. It is recommended that at least three criteria are achieved before punishment is meted out.
ad 2 : If an individual citizen - even though the person in question qualifies for several criteria - can provide some sort of proof that he or she has contributed to any kind of unselfish activity for the benefit of the common good then the individual will be free from punishment.